Improvements in Pankaboard FBB product range

Starting from June 10th, the specifications for PankaBrite, PankaLux, and PankaLux Plus will be enhanced by adjusting the thickness of these products. This will enable better product performance and ensure a more regular profile, which will further improve efficiency in converting and packaging processes.

Here are the details of the adjustments:
• PankaBrite: Thickness will increase by +40 microns.
• PankaLux and PankaLux Plus: Thickness will increase by +30 microns.
• For substances of 550 gsm and 560 gsm, the thickness will remain the same,
but the substance will be reduced by -25 gsm.
• All other properties of these products will remain unchanged.

These changes represent a truly positive development that we see will benefit your production processes
and the product performance.

Contact Pankaboard sales for more information